About the Author

Kari Gusso
I grew up in Bloomington MN, graduated from The Academy of the Holy Angels(93) in Richfield MN. I continued on to college and received a BS in nursing from SDSU(98). I married Jared Gusso and we live in Sioux Falls, SD with our three daughters; Lauren-17, Megan-15 and Nikki-12. I worked for many years as a labor and delivery nurse and also worked as a case manager. Jared and I love to watch the girls in their activities, we are eager to travel to the beach and enjoy sitting and visiting with friends and family.
Thank you to my loving husband Jared and his unbelievable patience, love and support he shows me. Megan and Nikki, this is tough, I am always here and I will love you forever. Mom, Dad, Katie, Kelly, Nick and Carol, thank you for the unconditional love and support over the years. It has not been an easy journey. CS thank you for your friendship, you push me to stay afloat.
Shoutout to NKOTB and the BH cruisers (you know who you are). Such an amazing time together, thank you for making me laugh. Those silly boys and the cruises truly kept me sane.
My Lauren Grace… no one ever asked you if this was the life you wanted. Somehow you were chosen to carry this burden and I was chosen to be your momma. We will have great days together and really bad days together. Through all of it, I will be here for you. I love you.
Reach Us
If you, or someone you know needs help, visit www.nami.org.
Use the form to the right or reach out
directly at karigusso@sio.midco.net
For interviews and speaking engagements contact
Jeanne Votca Carpenter, Principal
Perception INK